16-year-old Swede shows more wisdom than all our world leaders combined

Following is a link to a TED talk by the almost eerily compelling young climate activist (though that term seems hardly strong enough), Ms. Greta Thunberg.  Her closing comments on hope - recall that social work favors referring to itself as 'the profession of hope' - strike me as both profoundly accurate and eminently quotable … Continue reading 16-year-old Swede shows more wisdom than all our world leaders combined

Despair and hope converge in need for a “next system”aligned with social work’s vision

Today's news coverage includes two riveting stories - a white-supremacist massacre of peaceful Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, and a worldwide (involving 100 countries) series of student strikes demanding immediate and urgent government action to combat growing climate disruption. The first is, ultimately, a story of nihilistic despair - terrorist murderers perversely believe that violently … Continue reading Despair and hope converge in need for a “next system”aligned with social work’s vision

Yellow Vests movement in France deserves attention from U.S. social workers

This is what a democratic uprising can look like - https://www.facebook.com/nytvideo/videos/frances-yellow-vests-protests-understanding-the-collective-rage/261768511159947/ - and it scares the hell out of neoliberal elites everywhere, in the U.S. as well as Europe.  Which no doubt helps to explain why four weeks of Gilets Jaunes ("yellow vests") protest in France has been largely ignored by the American corporate media. French … Continue reading Yellow Vests movement in France deserves attention from U.S. social workers