Do Trump and Fellow Fossil Fuel Fanatics Have a Death Wish?

Everyone enjoying a healthy relationship with reality knows at least three things about climate change - (1) it's real, (2) it's happening far more rapidly than anyone had anticipated, with devastating consequences, and (3) our only hope of staving off ever-worsening impacts (including, quite possibly, our own species' extinction) is to radically reduce the emission … Continue reading Do Trump and Fellow Fossil Fuel Fanatics Have a Death Wish?

“Russia, Russia, Russia,” but hardly a big media mention of building climate catastrophe

Virtually buried under the avalanche of stories on the post-Trump-Putin summit fallout is this gem by journalist Somini Sengupta in today's New York Times - Summers are becoming so hot in South Asia that people are already dying in big numbers, and soon cities may be too hot to remain livable for hundreds of millions … Continue reading “Russia, Russia, Russia,” but hardly a big media mention of building climate catastrophe

Trump nominated for a peace prize – What are these governors smoking?

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant says he's "proud" to have joined a group of Republican governors supporting the nomination of President Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize.   And the president's great contribution to peace?  His "firm stance against nuclearization, coupled with his willingness to engage one-on-one with Pyongyang, has succeeded in opening new avenues of cooperation, … Continue reading Trump nominated for a peace prize – What are these governors smoking?

As elections approach, expect more craziness from Trump

The president is running scared.  How better to explain the erratically raging tweet-storms on criminal immigrants, Amazon and other "stupid" businesses, NAFTA trade deficits, and, of course, the fake-news-loving, enemy-of-the-people media? A lot is riding on the outcome of the November mid-term elections.  If the Senate flips to a Democratic majority, a real possibility, it … Continue reading As elections approach, expect more craziness from Trump